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Saturday Art School "Earth Explorations" Lessons 

Earth Explorations is an 8-week virtual art camp that I taught to 17 students in grades 3-5! This curriculum focuses on connecting students to the Earth around them through a sustainability lens. 

Lesson 1: Sustainable Cities 

inbound6365047514212734782 - Elizabeth B
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Inspired by the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal "sustainable cities and communities", students create their own dream utopias! 

Callista Murray-Wright, Sustainable City

Lesson 2: Nature Creations 

Students create art with nature as a source material in order to learn the importance of creating sustainably and connecting to their environment!

Aria Bricker Fall Sunset Goldsworthy Les
inbound6649968291941883987 - Elizabeth B
Rosa Miraldi, Starlight.png

Lesson 3: Experimental Retreats 

Students experiment by creating paint and paintbrushes using natural materials. They then use their tools to create a landscape of their favorite outdoor space, tying nature preservation with sustainable creation solutions.  

IMG_9360 - Michael Bricker.jpg
Anna Miraldi, Cute Kitty.png
inbound1895841757790730744 - Elizabeth B
image - Iris Murray-Wright.jpg

Lesson 4/5: Animal Appreciation 

Students learn about endangered animals, and select one species to portray and advocate for using Papier-Mache! 

IMG_9359 - Michael Bricker.jpg

Teacher Example

Lesson 6: Up-cycled Costumes  

Students learn about up-cycling, and use household / nature items in order to create their own wearable artwork! 

IMG_9172 - Michael Bricker.jpeg

Teacher Example

Lesson 7: Activist Art   

Using the poster creation website Canva, students reflect on what environmental issues they care about most and create activist posters to stand for what they believe in! 

Iris M W (2).jpg
Ella, save the trees.jpg
Fiona Bragg, Pollinators.jpg

Lesson 8: Eco-Identity   

For this final cumulative project, students use all the information learned throughout the semester to create a final art piece that reflects on how they personally connect to the environment around them.

Rosa Miraldi, Care for the Earth.jpg
Brice Gourley, A Thanks to Earth.png
Katherine Su, Stay Connected to Nature.j
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