Artist Statement
My artwork connects to my personal identity and beliefs. Sustainability is a big passion of mine, so much of my artwork self-analyzes my own environmental habits and calls attention to climate concerns. I question my personal choices as well as societal norms, and use those questions to guide my art exploration. I believe that art is a method of communication that reveals personal identity and ideologies in ways hard to do with words.
I love to explore nontraditional materials and a variety of media. This is a large part of my art teaching philosophy and continues into my personal creating. My artwork and teaching goals go hand in hand, and I believe exploring a variety of techniques will strengthen and broaden my skills as an art educator.
Although I experiment with painting, drawing, photography, and fabric arts, my most successful mediums are sculpture and ceramics. I like to work three dimensionally, for I find that it allows the widest range of freedom to experiment with materiality. The materials that I choose to include in my artworks contribute to the overall meaning, so choosing what to create with is a critical decision.
I tend to not intensely plan out my projects, and instead let my hands and body do the creating. My best works of art start by just playing and experimenting with my ideas and mediums. By not overthinking, I bring out what is deep within my subconscious in ways I could not originally explain through words and planning. I am constantly discovering more about my inner self through my artistic creations.